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Hey, great mod! My friend and I are having a lot of fun with it.

Quick question though, 

"other players are hidden when not in line of sight "

Is there a way to disable this? My friend and I are trying to combine this mod with the NT3D mod but we can't see each other at all with that mod enabled.


unload the file stealth.mod.gml

Thank you!

is there a way to change stats like health weapon scaling and whatever

in pvp.mod.gml line 16 "global.hpgain = 2" sets how much hp to add each level, change the 2. in pvparena.area.gml line 712 "GameCont.hard+=1" sets how much to increment the weaponlevel each time a chest is destroyed. change the 1 (in the normal game GameCont.hard is incremented by 1 each time a portal is entered. so spc/ultra weapons start dropping around 16. also controls enemy density i dont remember if that matters in pvparena spawning). any text editor will work i recommend notepad++ or gmedit


Can someone explain how to play this mod cause it's not working

should just be "/load pvparena" on the campfire in NuclearThroneTogether, t opens the console, for online all players need to type "/sideload" first like the game tells you

ok thanks


I have to put all the files in a folder and then that folder into the NTT´s mod folder on only put te files in the NTT´s mod???

(1 edit)

This is a great mod and me and my friends really like it.

While playing we founded an issue whith corpses getting stuck in a wall, it makes game really laggy.

Sorry for any miswritten words.

Hey, what command is used to bring up the menu of mod related commands? Thanks :)

there isnt one.
"/gml" lets you execute gamemaker language code lines from the chat
and yellowafterlife has a giant faq page of chatcommands on the ntt page (loading unloading)


Loved it! Hope you enjoy this fan art :)




thanks for making this blaac!