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Nuclear Throne by Vlambeer


NuclearThroneTogether by YellowAfterLife


current NTT beta can be found in the partnered Discord


#aug 4 18 : fix unlock condition related to idpd hq not triggering#

it adds 1 - 3 skins for every character in NuclearthroneTogether(including skeleton and frog)
so that every character has 4 skins, to celebrate YellowAfterlife adding 4 player co-op to the game

hi c:
I drew these
place the folder this file was in into the 'mods' folder that came with the current version of NTT
    '/loadtxt skins'
    in game to load
    requires all players to first enter '/sideload' if playing online
    check the readme or FAQ in the NTT folder for other commands or issues
requires a version of NTT above 9903 for custom names on the menu and 9909 for custom loading screen tips

/wep :toggles custom starting guns
/sound :toggles custom sounds for skins
/idpdtb :toggles idpd skins having different sprites with thronebutt
/restart :locks all skin (they have unlock conditions)
/unlockall :unlocks all skins again

options are saved between sesions

list of all the skins is included in the readme with the zip download

my sprite art isnt quite to the level of Paul Veer (NuclearThrone's amazing sprite artist) but  tried pretty hard

I put a stupid amount of time into this for no money
please consider commissioning me to do art for you ♥

    twitter. commission me for art. no pressure. please


CategoryGame mod
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(14 total ratings)
TagsNuclear Throne Together, ntt-skin, Nuclear Throne


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

skinpack by blaac v3.1.zip 639 kB
icons.mod.gml (replace with this for ntt9921) 22 kB
unlock conditions txt file (you cant see conditions when playing co-op) 1.2 kB

Development log


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Это один из лучших, а может даже и лучший мод на скины, который я когда-либо видел, такая проработка и внимание к деталям, я просто аплодирую стоя!
Хотелось бы, по возможности, увидеть и другие моды с подобными модификациями, как и от этого автора, так и от других ребят, вдохновившихся этим проектом! 


I just made an account to comment, this is the first mod I've donated money for! There was so much effort on display with these skins and they all look great. They really match the Nuclear Throne art style and are extremely well done, very polished over all. Great mod!!

it do not work for me.

hello there!, you can update and put an sit sprite pls?, eny time i sit in the trhone or the chair of the dead captain of iddp, it reproduces the hurt animation and reproduces the sound over an over again.

Hi! I'm a huge fan of this amazing mod, and i'm just starting to mod, based in this skinpack, but how do you customize the starter weapon?

there isnt a simple variable like "swep" with .race mods but you can set any weapon by setting "wep = (wep_name)" in #define game_start . you should also set the starting ammo with "

ammo[weapon_get_type(wep)] = typ_ammo[weapon_get_type(wep)]*3

" which sets the ammo for whatever weapon you have to 3x the amount that a ammo pickup gives (what the base game does)

Lots of thanks!

(2 edits)

I Have TE enabled, and i think its causing problems with some of the crowns, when i use this skin mod with TE the crowns start to blink and flicker.

why do the 4th skins have diff starting gear?

(1 edit)


/wep :toggles custom starting guns
/sound :toggles custom sounds for skins
/idpdtb :toggles idpd skins having different sprites with thronebutt
/restart :locks all skin (they have unlock conditions)
/unlockall :unlocks all skins again

options are saved between sesions

from the itch.io description slightly scrolled up from here

hi blaac i would like to know if there is any way to play the mod without unlocking all the characters because i like to unlock them 

PD: I love your mods  :v

i think its an oddity with icons.mod.gml someone else has reported. you can remove that file to fix it.

Yes, it worked for me, thanks blaac I will activate it again when I finish unlocking them, while I look forward to another of your mods

eso es algo raro vuelve a intentarlo recuerda que es /load no es /loadmod 

para  poder iniciar el mod...

solo son skins de todos los personajes 


that even though I have the mod skin pack in the game they don't show me the skins to choose from and if you can help me 


Hey there! I love your sprites! However when I have the icons mod enabled it unlocks every character, even ones I haven't completed the unlock steps for. Any fix for this? It's not a huge issue, if not.

(1 edit)

Is there any hope for a patch/compatibility between your Varied Allies, and your unique Rebel crow and jungle skins? Because right now, Varied Allies overwrites them the majority of the time.

find and replace the first bit in variedallies #define step

#define step

with instances_matching(Ally,"spr_idle",sprAllyIdle) if ("check" not in self)
    check = irandom(12)
else if ("set" not in self) if sprite_index != sprAllyAppear
    if check = 1
        spr_idle = global.banditidle

Apparently this mod doesn't work on 9940, it says something about not being able to use <= with strings and numbers.

with CharSelect if race <= 16{

Nevermind, I just had an outdated version.

hello, can these characters be used in a commercial game? 

i probably cant stop you but would rather you dont

i will respect your wishes; and make sure your artwork is treated as you prefer and not used it in a commercial title. thank you for your reply.

Hi, I really liked your mod.
"4 skin pack"
the problem is that I do not know anything about how to install mods in "NTT", could you give me some instructions on how to install this mod from the beginning ?.
pd_google translator


hello I had a problem with the idpd skins weapons on the first occasion all normal if I had them and when I saw the game and enter the next day and did not start with the weapons but with the normal revolver as you could solve it

I have another question, is there a command for the mod to be permanently? If it exists please put it in your answer, and if not, thank you for reading this comonteario

make a text file called startup.text in the mods folder. with the lines you would type in game
/load skins
/loadmod crowns

Hey, buddy, what do I have to do to see the skins in the local cooperative?

pick local co-op instead of online in ntt?




An essential part of my NTT coop sessions. Thanks for all your hard work!

Hello, I was wondering if there was any way to give this Big Bandit character https://bioonpc.itch.io/big-bandit the Jungle Big Bandit skin from your Hard Mode Mod as a B-Skin.

its on bio(mod boy) to update it in. its much easier to add skins to customcharacters with their own race.gml file instead of an external one. i dont mind if he wants to, i messaged him

ok, thanks a million :)

(1 edit)

Hey there Blaac, I would like to ask you how you did the character select icons on the menu. I've been trying to see how you did them but i can't find any pictures relating to them, even though they are visible in game. (Just to clarify I mean the ones that are 16*24pix)

(1 edit)

the image is compiled into a base64 line of text at the start of icons.mod.gml. i added this part a few months after i made the skins and had developed a habit of doing images like this (easier to download, harder to edit). you can find image_to_base64/base64_to_image converters online

i think this is the latest image i used (you have to change the amount of frames the game reads from this if you change it)

(1 edit)

Wow thanks so much blaac, that is really helpful, thanks so much!

(Edit: I think i've done it, i've just got to test in game!
